Lean development is a software development paradigm that stresses efficiency and waste reduction throughout the development process. The prime objective of Lean development is to reduce the time and resources needed to build and deploy software. There are a number of benefits to using lean development, including faster software delivery, improved quality, and reduced costs.

what is lean development methodology

Implementing Lean methodology requires building a specific culture within the development team or the entire organization. This involves freely sharing knowledge and giving everyone the opportunity to contribute their opinions and suggestions to the project. One of the goals is to ensure that knowledge is not held by only one person. Lean aims to create value, reduce waste, and enhance quality.

Lean software development

The team must have the courage to de-prioritize this type of request and persuade stakeholders to focus on what brings the most value. One of the healthy ways towards integral architecture is refactoring. As more features are added to the original code base, the harder it becomes to add further improvements. Refactoring what is lean development methodology is about keeping simplicity, clarity, minimum number of features in the code. Repetitions in the code are signs of bad code designs and should be avoided (i.e. by applying the DRY rule). At the end the integrity should be verified with thorough testing, thus ensuring the System does what the customer expects it to.

what is lean development methodology

Also, engineers learn as they go and question assumptions. The main concept behind the Lean development methodology is that efficiencies can be applied, and waste can be managed at all levels of the process. These include at the individual level, as well as in departments, in interdepartmental operations, in the overall organization, and between the organization and its customers and suppliers. Lean originates from ‘Lean Manufacturing’, an engineering scheme born out of Japan in the 1930s and credited to Toyota. In essence, Lean strives to eliminate aspects of engineering or development that are not necessary and focus on the value as a whole. Along the way, the methodology endeavors to prioritize genuinely human values as well such as learning and people in and of themselves.

Principle 5. Fast delivery

As a result, you’re able to get feedback from your users much sooner than if you were using more traditional methods. And since it’s more efficient, you don’t have to spend as much time waiting for things like code reviews or QA testing, allowing you to get more done faster. Lean development focuses on removing waste from projects. This includes unnecessary meetings or paperwork, people who have no real value to the project or organization, and anything else that doesn’t add value to the end product. This can be done by having a clear goal at the start of each project and then efficiently working towards that goal. The focus on delivering value to customers early often helps you get feedback on whether your product is useful and how you can improve it.

  • The next step is to map out all of the present phases that go into conceiving and delivering a feature or update once the original value has been defined and turned into a tangible goal for the team.
  • According to the World Health Organization, burnout syndrome is characterized by energy depletion, a negative attitude at work, and reduced efficacy.
  • Using this principle, teams are encouraged to decide responsibly by keeping options open, continuously gathering necessary information, and avoiding making any commitment without essential data.
  • Any company that wants to stay competitive needs to evaluate its processes and find ways to improve them constantly.
  • It focuses on learning through iterative development and visualizing workflow through using scrum boards.
  • They’re more tactical and actionable, with the intention of leading teams towards shortest delivery times and delivering the highest value possible for customers.

For instance, a PdM can scope the feature together with developers or, instead of one big hand-off, do it more often and in smaller portions. To achieve success, all development team members must collaborate. This might involve minor changes to your daily work or more significant changes, such as adopting new tools or processes. If you want to be more efficient, you should always try to streamline your workflow in order to make it more effective. If you are looking to implement Lean development in your organization, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

Aligning The 7 Lean Principles Into Our Software Development Projects:

​​There are many techniques available to validate your product idea and. The key is not just to gather user feedback but also to welcome new changes. A lean startup may be introducing a new product to an existing brand or may be a new business that springs up around an idea. This should tell you what percentage of your iteration experiments are resulting in new and valuable knowledge that contributes to the improvement of the overall process. Value is defined as what the customer is willing to pay for.

what is lean development methodology

Code needs to be effectively tested and verified to increase the quality of the final product. This principle applies not only to the coding process but also to communication, which can be improved by providing regular feedback. Minimum viable product strategy, as these two ways of working are very much aligned.

How to Introduce the Scrum Methodology into Your Project

We’re skilled in TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Node.js, AWS, and various other technologies. For example, if the users are desperate for a new feature and the programmers agree to add it in a rush, the resulting code might be too complex or bug-ridden. They will have to rework it later, which means more waste piling up. The benefit of a pull-system is that it allows developers to focus on the task at hand and it allows project managers to control resources and costs. The downside to VSM is that if it is not conducted with the proper care and detail it can be misleading and become detached from the everyday tasks of software developers. Increased communication, visibility, constant feedback and efficiency.

Pull-systems uphold the lean principle of reducing waste. In a lean manufacturing process, pull systems ensure that components are only replaced when they have been consumed to ensure that businesses only make enough products to meet customers’ demand. Speaking of team, empowering team members is one of the key lean principles. Lean software development is entirely dependent on a team that is able to make important decisions and work well together.

Build Quality In

When they hand this knowledge to engineers, they need to schedule meetings to address any questions to ensure that all the details are clear. The same hand-off process happens when a feature goes from development to testing, and so on. There has been a traditional belief in most businesses about the decision-making in the organization – the managers tell the workers how to do their own job. Her experience in diverse B2B and B2C industries continue to drive her interest in the SaaS customer journey. Rachaelle holds a BA in Communication Studies from the University of Florida.